Fundamentos jurídicos en contra de la incorporación de nuevos elementos de convicción en audiencia de prisión preventiva
"In the investigation that was carried out, an analysis was made of the
procedural legal institution, which covered preventive detention quite a bit, but
referred to an issue strictly related to the process of the hearing where its
imposition is discussed, and, specifically, the possibility or not that new or
additional elements of conviction can be incorporated to support their claim of
foundation of the measure of personal coercion; In this context, the following was
proposed as a problem statement: “What are the legal bases that prevent the
incorporation of new elements of conviction in the preventive detention hearing
in the Peruvian criminal process?”
In relation to the problem posed, the following general objective was set:
""Determine what are the legal bases that prevent the incorporation of new
elements of conviction in the preventive detention hearing in the Peruvian criminal
process"", based on this objective, it was made a development of the main
theoretical bases to cement the topic, and then used the doctrinal, jurisprudential
and analysis methods of article 268 (hermeneutical method), as well as
comparative law, to carry out the respective analysis of the results, using the
techniques of recording and documentary analysis, which then led me to
positively test the hypothesis and outline the respective conclusions.
Finally, use was made of everything discussed as support or legal
foundations, so that in the end, a change of lege ferenda is proposed, so that
normatively, it is expressly established that it is not possible to incorporate
elements of additional convictions, but those that support the investigation must
be those elements that make up the preventive detention requirement formulated
by the prosecution"
- Derecho [500]