La calidad de sueño y el estrés laboral del enfermero del servicio de emergencia de un Hospital de EsSalud Trujillo 2024

Figueroa Portillo, Karla Octavia
Gutiérrez Briceño, Elisa Lissette
Show full item recordAbstract
El presente estudio, de enfoque cuantitativo, descriptivo y correlacional,
tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre la calidad del sueño y el estrés
laboral en enfermeras del servicio de emergencia de un Hospital de EsSalud en
Trujillo durante el año 2024. Se trabajó con una muestra de 50 enfermeras, a
quienes se aplicaron dos instrumentos: la escala de sueño de Pittsburgh y la
escala de estrés laboral, teniendo como técnica la entrevista mediante un
cuestionario. Los resultados revelaron que el 66% de las participantes presentan
problemas de sueño que requieren atención médica y tratamiento, el 20%
necesita evaluación médica, y solo el 14% no reportó problemas de sueño. En
cuanto al estrés laboral, el 84% manifestó un nivel de estrés medio, mientras que
el 16% mostró un nivel bajo. El análisis estadístico, utilizando el coeficiente de
correlación de Rho de Spearman, mostró una relación negativa moderada entre la
calidad del sueño y el estrés laboral (r = -0.452). Estos hallazgos confirman la
hipótesis existe relación significativa y que además a medida que el estrés laboral
aumenta, la calidad del sueño se deteriora, subrayando la necesidad de
intervenciones para mejorar el bienestar de las enfermeras en el servicio de
"The present study, with a quantitative, descriptive, and correlational
approach, aimed to determine the relationship between sleep quality and work related stress among nurses in the emergency department of an EsSalud Hospital
in Trujillo during the year 2024. A sample of 50 nurses was used, and two
instruments were applied: the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and the Work Stress
Scale. The results revealed that 66% of the participants have sleep problems
requiring medical attention and treatment, 20% need medical evaluation, and only
14% reported no sleep problems. Regarding work-related stress, 84% exhibited a
medium level of stress, while 16% showed a low level. Statistical analysis using
Spearman's rho correlation coefficient showed a moderate negative relationship
between sleep quality and work-related stress (r = -0.452). These findings confirm
the hypothesis that there is a significant relationship, and as work-related stress
increases, sleep quality tends to deteriorate, highlighting the need for interventions
to improve the well-being of nurses in the emergency department The present study, with a quantitative, descriptive, and correlational
approach, aimed to determine the relationship between sleep quality and work related stress among nurses in the emergency department of an EsSalud Hospital
in Trujillo during the year 2024. A sample of 50 nurses was used, and two
instruments were applied: the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and the Work Stress
Scale. The results revealed that 66% of the participants have sleep problems
requiring medical attention and treatment, 20% need medical evaluation, and only
14% reported no sleep problems. Regarding work-related stress, 84% exhibited a
medium level of stress, while 16% showed a low level. Statistical analysis using
Spearman's rho correlation coefficient showed a moderate negative relationship
between sleep quality and work-related stress (r = -0.452). These findings confirm
the hypothesis that there is a significant relationship, and as work-related stress
increases, sleep quality tends to deteriorate, highlighting the need for interventions
to improve the well-being of nurses in the emergency department