Management of primary anorectal mucosal melanoma during the COVID-19 pandemic
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Yan Quiroz, Edgar Fermín
Agreda Castro, Folker Mijaíl
Diaz Lozano, Lita
Tenazoa Villalobos, Richard
Fernández Rodríguez, Lissett Jeanette
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El melanoma anorrectal es un cáncer poco frecuente, de difícil diagnóstico, de alta malignidad y mal pronóstico. El tratamiento suele ser quirúrgico y suele incluir adyuvantes como radioterapia e inmunoterapia. Presentamos el caso de una peruana de 77 años que finalmente fue diagnosticada de este cáncer durante la pandemia de COVID-19, lo que complicó su tratamiento y permitió la propagación del cáncer. Su tratamiento incluyó resección abdominoperineal, linfadenectomía pélvica bilateral, rafia de vena ilíaca interna izquierda y colostomía terminal, seguida de radioterapia 3D (50 Gy, 25 sesiones) y tratamiento sistémico con nivolumab, todos los cuales fueron bien tolerados. La paciente estaba viva al 20 de agosto de 2023, habiendo sobrevivido durante más de 3 años desde el inicio de los síntomas Anorectal melanoma is a rare and difficult-to-diagnose highly malignant cancer with a poor prognosis. The treatment usually involves surgery and often includes adjuvants such as radiation therapy and immunotherapy. We present a case of a 77-year-old Peruvian who was eventually diagnosed with this cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic, which complicated her treatment and allowed the cancer to spread. Her treatment included abdominoperineal resection, bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy, left internal iliac vein raffia and end colostomy, followed by 3D radiation therapy (50 Gy, 25 sessions) and systemic treatment with nivolumab, all of which were well tolerated. The patient was alive as of 20 August 2023, having survived for more than 3 years since the onset of symptoms.