Efecto antibacteriano in vitro del citrus bergamia bergamota sobre el streptococcus mutans atcc 25175
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Campos Layza, Katherine Giohana
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Determinar la concentración del efecto antibacteriano in vitro del Citrus
bergamia “bergamota” frente al Streptococcus mutans ATTC 25175.
Material y método: El presente estudio longitudinal, comparativo, se realizó
mediante el método de difusión en pozos en agar sangre para evaluar la sensibilidad
bacteriana del aceite esencial. Se obtuvieron aceites esenciales de Citrus bergamia
“bergamota” de la empresa de aromaterapia Ekala, a una concentración del 100%,
en el laboratorio realizamos las diluciones del aceite esencial al 25%, 50%, 75%.
Así mismo se consiguió la cepa de Streptococcus mutans ATTC 25175 del
laboratorio GenLab del Perú SAC; donde cada cepa se cultivó en placas Petri en
agar sangre y se realizaron pocitos de 5mm de diámetro llenos de aceite esencial
de bergamota en las diferentes concentraciones y con el Gluconato de clorhexidina
al 0.12% como grupo control. Posteriormente se incubaron a 37°C por 24horas, para
luego realizar la medición del diámetro del halo de inhibición. Para la confiabilidad
de este estudio, se utilizó el método estadístico de ANOVA.
Resultados: El Streptococcus mutans ATTC 25175 fue susceptible a la acción del
aceite esencial de Citrus bergamia “bergamota” a las concentraciones de 50%, 75%
y 100%.
Conclusiones: Se concluye que el mayor promedio fue del Citrus bergamia
“Bergamota” al 100% siendo sumamente sensible. To determine the concentration of the in vitro antibacterial effect of Citrus
bergamia ““bergamot““ against Streptococcus mutans ATTC 25175.
Material and method: The present longitudinal, comparative study was performed
using the diffusion method in blood agar wells to assess the bacterial sensitivity of
the essential oil. Citrus bergamia ““bergamot““ essential oils were obtained from the
aromatherapy company Ekala, at a concentration of 100%, in the laboratory we
carried out dilutions of the essential oil at 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. Also, the
Streptococcus mutans ATTC 25175 strain was obtained from the GenLab laboratory
in Peru SAC; where each strain was grown in Petri dishes on blood agar and 5mm
diameter wells filled with bergamot essential oil were made at a concentration of
100%, 75%, 50% and 25% each.
This oil was compared with 0.12% chlorhexidine gluconate as a control group.
Subsequently, they were incubated at 37 ° C for 24 hours, to then measure the
diameter of the inhibition halo. For the reliability of this study, the Kappa statistical
method was used. For the analysis of results, the statistical program SPAA version
23 and Excel were used, to then present the results in tables and graphs.
Results: Streptococcus mutans ATTC 25175 was susceptible to the action of Citrus
bergamia ““bergamot““ essential oil at concentrations of 50%, 75% and 100%.
Conclusions: It is concluded that the highest average was 100% Citrus bergamia
““Bergamot““ being highly sensitive
Palabras clave
- Estomatología [677]