La educación financiera y su influencia en las finanzas personales de los emprendedores de negocios de la ciudad de Sullana año 2020
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Bereche Morán, Claudia Sofía
Salazar Benavides, María del Carmen
Mostrar el registro completo del ítemResumen
La investigación tuvo como propósito determinar la influencia de la educación
financiera en las finanzas personales de los emprendedores de negocios de la
ciudad de Sullana año 2020, siendo la investigación de tipo aplicada, con diseño no
experimental, correlacional, transversal. La población estuvo constituida por 258
emprendedores de negocios y la muestra objeto de estudio estuvo conformada por
155 emprendedores de negocios de Sullana. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó
la técnica de la encuesta y el instrumento utilizado fue el cuestionario; obteniendo
como principal hallazgo que el 36.77% de los emprendedores percibieron a la
educación financiera como nivel bajo, señalando que casi nunca los conocimientos
financieros y el sistema financiero han influenciado en sus negocios y el 34.19%
percibieron a las finanzas personales como nivel intermedio ya que la elaboración
de presupuesto, cultura de ahorro e inversión algunas veces sí ha contribuido con
el bienestar de sus negocios. Concluyendo que existe una relación significativa
entre el nivel de educación financiera y finanzas personales de los emprendedores
de negocios debido a que según la prueba estadística Rho de Spearman muestra
un coeficiente de correlación alto de 0.812, es decir, que cada variable tiene
dimensiones que se relacionan entre sí. The purpose of the research was to determine the influence of financial education
on the personal finances of business entrepreneurs in the city of Sullana in 2020,
the research being of an applied type, with a non-experimental, correlational, cross sectional design. The population consisted of 258 business entrepreneurs and the
sample under study was made up of 155 business entrepreneurs from Sullana. For
data collection, the survey technique was used and the instrument used was the
questionnaire; Obtaining as the main finding that 36.77% of entrepreneurs
perceived financial education as a low level, noting that financial knowledge and the
financial system have almost never influenced their businesses and 34.19%
perceived personal finances as an intermediate level since budgeting, a culture of
savings and investment has sometimes contributed to the well-being of their
businesses. Concluding that there is a significant relationship between the level of
financial education and personal finances of business entrepreneurs because
according to Spearman's Rho statistical test it shows a high correlation coefficient
of 0.812, that is, each variable has dimensions that are related each.“
“The purpose of the research was to determine the influence of financial education
on the personal finances of business entrepreneurs in the city of Sullana in 2020,
the research being of an applied type, with a non-experimental, correlational, cross sectional design. The population consisted of 258 business entrepreneurs and the
sample under study was made up of 155 business entrepreneurs from Sullana. For
data collection, the survey technique was used and the instrument used was the
questionnaire; Obtaining as the main finding that 36.77% of entrepreneurs
perceived financial education as a low level, noting that financial knowledge and the
financial system have almost never influenced their businesses and 34.19%
perceived personal finances as an intermediate level since budgeting, a culture of
savings and investment has sometimes contributed to the well-being of their
businesses. Concluding that there is a significant relationship between the level of
financial education and personal finances of business entrepreneurs because
according to Spearman's Rho statistical test it shows a high correlation coefficient
of 0.812, that is, each variable has dimensions that are related each.
Palabras clave
- Contabilidad [506]