Propiedades psicométricas del Lexington Attachment To Pets Scale: Mexican versión (LAPS-M) en adultos de Trujillo
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Saldaña Gutiérrez, Elsie María Shigeko
Mostrar el registro completo del ítemResumen
La presente investigación de corte tecnológico y con diseño psicométrico presentó el objetivo
de determinar las propiedades psicométricas del Lexington Attachment to Pets Scale: Mexican
Version (LAPS-M) en adultos de Trujillo (apego a las mascotas). Para ello la muestra fue de
383 adultos residentes del distrito de Trujillo que poseen al menos 1 perro, con edades entre
los 21 y 64 años. El análisis estadístico mediante la correlación ítem-test obtuvo índices entre
.405 y .762 en los ítems, resultando eficaces para la medición. Asimismo, el análisis estadístico
mediante la correlación ítem-escala indicó propiedades adecuadas de discriminación. Las
evidencias de validez de constructo mediante análisis factorial confirmatorio (GFI = .979,
AGFI = .974, RMR = .033, NFI = .972, RFI = .968) indican un buen ajuste del modelo
tridimensional y presenta una muy buena confiabilidad obtenida con el coeficiente omega. Se
elaboraron las normas percentilares según género y se establecieron los puntos de corte.
Finalmente, se concluye que el Lexington Attachment to Pets Scale: Mexican Version (LAPS M) exhibe las propiedades psicométricas adecuadas para su uso en la población adulta del
contexto de estudio. The present technological research with a psychometric design had the general objective of
determining the psychometric properties of the Lexington Attachment to Pets Scale: Mexican
Version (LAPS-M) in adults from Trujillo (attachment to pets). For this purpose, a sample of
383 adult residents of the district of Trujillo who own at least one dog, aged between 21 and
64 years, was used. The statistical analysis by means of the item-test correlation obtained
indices between .405 and .762 in the items, resulting effective for the measurement. Likewise,
the statistical analysis by means of item-scale correlation indicated adequate discrimination
properties. The evidence of construct validity through confirmatory factor analysis (GFI = .979,
AGFI = .974, RMR = .033, NFI = .972, RFI = .968) indicates a good fit of the three-dimensional
model, as well as a very good reliability obtained through the omega coefficient. The percentile
norms according to gender were elaborated as well as the cut-off points were established.
Finally, it is concluded that the Lexington Attachment to Pets Scale: Mexican Version (LAPS M) exhibits adequate psychometric properties for its use in the adult population of the study
- Psicología [543]