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dc.contributor.advisorParedes Fernández, Oster
dc.contributor.authorMiranda Anticona, Hilda Marina
dc.creatorMiranda Anticona, Hilda Marina
dc.description.abstractAplicación de talleres de juegos de roles, para desarrollar el liderazgo en los estudiantes del cuarto grado de educación primaria de la institución educativa Julio Gutierrez Solari, del Centron poblado el milagro, huanchaco - 2012es_PE
dc.description.abstractThis research report came to observe students from 4th grade education IE “Julio Gutiérrez Solari“ who showed difficulty to gather in groups and to direct them to any situation; for which they wanted to run a pedagogical Application Entitled “role plays Workshops“ to develop leadership in 4th grade students of elementary education EI “Julio Gutiérrez Solari“ The Milagro of the town center, Huanchaco - 2012 the basic purpose of the investigation is to check whether the application of role-playing workshops allowed to develop leadership in students. The research was a study sample of 35 students, using the Pre-experimental design with Pre and Post-Test. We use as a checklist tool that allowed us to collect information on our dependent variable. The application of our pedagogical approach was efficient, taking into account the results of Pos-test in relation to Pre-test varied significantly. Thus obtained in the Post-test, the following results: 0% at the low level, 36% at an average level and 64% at a high levelen_US
dc.publisherUniversidad Privada Antenor Orregoes_PE
dc.sourceUniversidad Privada Antenor Orregoes_PE
dc.sourceRepositorio Institucional - UPAOes_PE
dc.subjectTalleres de juegos de roleses_PE
dc.subjectLiderazgo en los estudianteses_PE
dc.titleAplicación de talleres de juegos de roles para desarrollar el liderazgo en los estudiantes del cuarto grado de educación primaria de la Institución Educativa Julio Gutierrez Solari, del centro poblado El Milagro, Huanchaco - 2012es_PE
dc.typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesises_PEíaes_PE Privada Antenor Orrego. Escuela de Postgradoes_PE en Educación con Mención en Didáctica de la Educación Superiores_PEía en Educaciónes_PE

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