Monotonía y estrés laboral dentro del sector transporte terrestre urbano trujillano

Bailon Cerna, Geraldinne Nayelly
Merino Vejarano, Nicole Mercedes
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La presente tesis titulada “Monotonía y estrés laboral dentro del sector transporte
terrestre urbano trujillano” para el año 2023. Tiene como objetivo principal
establecer cuál es la relación directa y significativa entre la monotonía laboral y
el estrés laboral dentro del sector transporte terrestre trujillano en el año 2023.
Para llevar a cabo esta investigación, se recopilaron datos clave, incluyendo el
número de empresas registradas en la Superintendencia Nacional de los
Registros Públicos (Sunarp) que operaron en Trujillo hasta abril de 2023 y la
cantidad de unidades de transporte público en funcionamiento hasta la misma
fecha, proporcionados por el Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones (MTC).
Estos datos revelaron una población de 897 unidades (microbuses) en
funcionamiento hasta abril de 2023, y con base a esa cantidad, se determinó un
tamaño de muestra de 269 conductores.
Para la recolección de datos de esta muestra, se utilizó un cuestionario que
contaba con la validación del coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach y el coeficiente de “w”
de McDonald's. Este cuestionario constaba de 14 preguntas y se dividió en dos
partes, abordando dos variables: Monotonía Laboral y Estrés Laboral.
En el caso de la variable Monotonía Laboral, se exploraron cuatro dimensiones,
estas incluían la repetición constante de tareas y rutas, la falta de variedad en
las actividades laborales, la ausencia de desafíos o situaciones imprevistas en
el trabajo y la autonomía laboral. En total, se plantearon 6 preguntas que
abarcaron estas dimensiones.
En cuanto a la variable Estrés Laboral, se identificaron tres dimensiones: Fuentes
de Estrés Laboral, Síntomas Físicos y/o Psicológicos Asociados al Estrés y
Manejo y Afrontamiento. En este caso, se plantearon 8 preguntas en total.
Los resultados obtenidos a través de la encuesta se presentaron mediante
gráficos y se interpretaron de manera textual. El procesamiento de la información
se llevó a cabo utilizando el programa Jamovi 2.3.26, lo que permitió obtener
conclusiones sólidas. This thesis, titled ""Monotony and Occupational Stress in Urban Public
Transportation Sector of Trujillo"" conducted in the year 2023, seeks to establish
a direct and significant relationship between occupational monotony and work-
related stress within the urban ground transportation sector of Trujillo.
To conduct this research, essential data were collected, including the number of
registered companies in the National Superintendency of Public Registries
(Sunarp) operating in Trujillo up to April 2023, as well as the number of public
transport units in operation until the same date, provided by the Ministry of
Transport and Communications (MTC). These data revealed a population of 897
microbuses in operation until April 2023, serving as the basis for determining a
sample size of 269 drivers.
A questionnaire was employed for data collection from this sample data, validated
through Cronbach's Alpha coefficient and McDonald's coefficient. This
questionnaire comprised 14 questions and was divided into two parts, addressing
two variables: Occupational Monotony and Occupational Stress.
In the case of the Occupational Monotony variable, four dimensions were
explored, encompassing constant repetition of tasks and routes, lack of variety in
job activities, absence of challenges or unexpected situations at work, and job
autonomy. A total of 6 questions were posed covering these dimensions.
Regarding the Occupational Stress variable, three dimensions were identified:
Sources of Occupational Stress, Physical and/or Psychological Symptoms
associated with work-related stress, and Stress Management and Coping. A total
of 8 questions were formulated to investigate these dimensions.
Survey results were presented using graphs and were interpreted descriptively.
Data processing was carried out using the Jamovi 2.3.26 software, leading to
robust conclusions.
It was confirmed that a direct and highly significant relationship exists between
occupational monotony and work-related stress in the Trujillo urban ground
transportation sector in 2023. Additionally, it was determined that occupational
monotony is significantly related to physical and psychological symptoms
associated with work-related stress and the management and coping with such
stress within this sector.
Conversely, no direct and significant relationship was found between
occupational monotony and the dimension of sources of work-related stress.
These findings were based on the Spearman's Rho test.
In summary, this research emphasizes the importance of addressing
occupational monotony as a key factor in managing work-related stress within the
Trujillo urban ground transportation sector, with significant implications for the
health and well-being of drivers in this industry
Palabras clave
- Administración [961]